ASK 18 - 50th anniversary meeting - new date July 26-28



2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the maiden flight of the ASK 18, Schleicher's last aircraft of mixed construction. The first flight of the prototype (D-9280), which is still flying today, took place in December 1974.


To celebrate this occasion, the Wershofen Gliding Club for the first time will be holding an ASK 18 meeting on the Whitsun weekend (17-21 May 2024). Of course, remote-controlled ASK 18 models and "friends" of the ASK 18 are also invited to attend. The annual ASK 14 meeting will also take place in Wershofen at the same time.


After that the SFG Wershofen will offer the opportunity for free flying for vintage and youngtimer gliders in the week after Whitsun under the motto "Nostalgic glider camp".


Registration by mentioning the aircraft registration, the period of participation and the number of participating pilots and companions. Registration form / Online-Registration




Costs (according to the scale of fees for guests): 

·         Camping (incl. use of showers):

o   Caravan/motorhome: €5/day

o   Tent: free

o   Children <14 years: free

o   Persons > 14 years: 6,- €/day


·         Flying:

o   Daily flat rate: € 7,-/pilot and day flying

o   Winch launch: €6/launch

o   Aerotow: 4,50 €/minute

o   Landing fee for motorised gliders/microlight: €5

o   Landing fee for airplanes/helicopters: €6

o   Landing fee for classic cars/gliders: free


·         Storage (on request and subject to availability):

o   Hangarization of aircraft: € 15/night

o   Hangarization of trailer: 10,- €/night

o   Aircraft/helicopter parking on apron: 3,- €/night

o   Glider/Trailer parking on apron: free


Invitation pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.2 MB